Monday, November 21, 2011

SDACC survey provides snapshot of Adventist demographics and practices

A recently-completed survey commissioned by the SDACC of 1227 randomly-selected Adventists from 22 churches across Canada, offers an interesting overview of members' current demographics and practices in areas such as tithing, church attendance, and personal evangelism.  The full report can be found here.

While I found all the data interesting, of particular interest were the following statistics:
  • 53% of Canadian Adventists were baptized 20 or more years ago.
  • 16% of Canadian Adventists have been a baptized member for 5 or less years.  In the United States this figure is around 8%.
  • When surveyed, 53% of Canadian Adventists said they had attended church services each of the previous four Sabbaths.  Senior citizens and members with less than a high school education were more likely to have attended church services every Sabbath than other groups.
  • Those most likely to be part of the 10% who reported attending services only once or not at all in the previous four Sabbaths were young adults and new converts.
  • While more Canadian Adventists volunteer their time at their local church than do Adventists in the United States (64% vs 57%), fewer Canadian Adventists say their faith has grown stronger in the last year than their counterparts in the United States (32% vs 37%).
  • 61% of the membership of the SDACC is female.

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