Monday, December 10, 2012

Flyin' Bob Amazes Faculty and Staff at Christmas Party

There truly was something special in the air at this year's Faculty/Staff Christmas Party: Flyin' Bob.  Billed as a "one-man three-ring circus," Flyin' Bob Palmer, who lives in Red Deer, amazed adults and children with his feats of juggling, balance, and daring.

To accommodate Bob's high-flying antics, the event was held in CUC's gym. It began with a delicious supper of Mexican food and ended with Flyin' Bob's performance.  "Three cheers for our Social Committee for presenting such an enjoyable event for the whole family," said Mark Haynal, president of CUC.  "Watching the delight on the faces of the children as they watched Flyin' Bob was just as much fun as watching Bob!"

The social committee this year is chaired by Brenda Hodgins, Director of Food Services.  She is assisted by committee members Audrey Haggkvist, Carolyn O'Neill and Diane Southcott, who in turn are helped by their spouses and a wonderful assortment of other volunteers.

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