Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Lacombe City Council Terminates Agreement with CUC

At the January 9, 2012 Regular City Council Meeting, a decision was made to terminate the Legacy Pointe/Residential Housing Development Initiative (REHDI) agreement between the City of Lacombe and Canadian University College.

City Council approved the Legacy Pointe/REHDI agreement in 2008 in response to the 2005 to 2007 housing boom and the escalating housing prices that accompanied it. More specifically, the REHDI project was aimed at assisting first time homeowners who were finding market prices to be unaffordable. Also of importance was the establishment of an area in Lacombe that offered a new type of development (affordable housing interspersed with diverse market homes in a walkable neighbourhood).

The work carried out on the Legacy Point project reflected engineering design standards that included smaller carriageways, sidewalks on both sides of the street, and wider lanes for servicing purposes.

Originally, the project development area was 300 acres. This was negotiated down to a 15 acre development site in recent discussions between the City of Lacombe and Canadian University College

“I fully understand the concerns some have about the REHDI Project and appreciate why City Council took this action,” said Canadian University College President Mark Haynal. “It has been a pleasure to work with Mayor Christie and Norma MacQuarrie. I know they love Lacombe and consistently work to do what is best for our city.”

Canadian University College will begin working with other developers to develop the land in a manner that benefits both our institution and people who want to build or buy a home in Lacombe,” he added.

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