Tuesday, November 12, 2013

CUC Hosts Graduate Courses for Pastors

Canadian pastors who had been traveling to Andrews University to work on certain graduate divinity degrees can now take many of their courses here in Canada at CUC.  "Being able to take courses here in Canada dramatically reduces many of the cross-border issues pastors were experiencing when they attempted to take two-week courses in the United States," explained Mark Haynal.
Two courses were offered this semester.  Christian Leadership in a Changing World was taught by Dr. John Grys, November 3-7.  Ministry in Cultural and Religious Context was taught by Dr. Gorden Doss, November 10-14.  These courses are part of a divinity program in Pastoral Ministry available to pastors who are unable to devote two years to full-time study at the Theological Seminary in Berrien Springs, Michigan.

No, Norm Hansen, part of CUC's IT staff, is not training to become a pastor.  He represents a portion of the
logistical support CUC offered visiting pastors and professors.  Canadian University College also assisted pastors
with housing, transportation and meals.

Several of the pastors in the program were undergraduate classmates at CUC and thoroughly enjoyed the
opportunity to take yet another course with their old friends!

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